Saturday, June 14, 2008

It feels like a new life with food

I have 3 lighter life food packs left which I will have when it suits me. I am maintaining my weight loss with the occasional up and down on the scales. I do not weigh myself very often now as I am not worried about putting weight on. I know that if I do put a lot of weight on - say 1/2 a stone I can simply do a week or 2 on the food packs to correct it. Better then this I can just watch what I eat for a month and the excess weight will be gone.

Being in control in this way is great. We were in an italian restaurant for dinner today and I ordered some grilled chicken on a salad. I had 3 spoonfulls of my wife's dessert and it was easy. I did not overeat and so I know I will not have put on any weight. This being in control is quite addictive but it is better than my previous food addiction.

In 30 days time I am going on a family holiday. I have 3 new swimming costumes (Size Medium instead of XXLarge). A holiday is usually an excuse for overeating but not for me now. I will enjoy all the eating out and special meals with the family but I will also enjoy preparing for the eating out by being controlled at other times of my break. I can do whatever I want and I choose to control my eating and make this a pleasurable part of my holiday. This is, I know, the musings of an ex addict but these are feelings and experiences very new to me. I am enjoying them hugely.

Posts are going to be weekly from now on but do comment on this site and I will respond back.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Still sailing along nicely on my lighter life

I went to my last weigh in and counselling group on monday. Knowing I am not going anymore is yet another readjustment to my new lighter life.
More and more people are reacting very positively to my new look which is great. I still haven't tried out certain no no foods and may not for quite a while. I am sticking to salads and low fat meals. I still have some lighter life food packs but they will run out in a few days.
The big decision is what to have for breakfast instead of a food pack.
I will probably have home made juices most mornings and standard breakfast cereals the rest of the time. The juices I make have a good mixture of fresh vegetables and fruit and taste lovely. My favourite sounds and looks dreadful but tastes great. The ingredients are

Root ginger

I run them through my juicer and close my eyes. I really doesn't look good but the flavour is wonderful. It almost feels like drinking pure vitamins and is a great set up for the day.